
Contacts hold information about the users interacting with your application. While User() is used for short-term information about a user (usually information related to a particular interaction session), a Contact() holds long-term information.

class Contact(attrs)

Holds long-term information about a user interacting with the application.

  • attrs.key (string) – A unique identifier for looking up the contact.
  • attrs.user_account (string) – The name of the vumi go account that the contact is stored under.
  • attrs.msisdn (string) – The contact’s msisdn.
  • attrs.gtalk_id (string) – The contact’s gtalk address. Optional.
  • attrs.facebook_id (string) – The contact’s facebook address. Optional.
  • attrs.twitter_handle (string) – The contact’s twitter handle. Optional.
  • (string) – The contact’s name. Optional.
  • attrs.surname (string) – The contact’s surname. Optional.
  • attrs.extra (object) – A data object for additional, app-specific information about a contact. Both the keys and values need to be strings. Optional.
  • attrs.extras-<name> (object) – An alternative way of specifying an extra. Optional.
  • attrs.groups (array) – A list of keys, each belonging to a group that this contact is a member of. Optional.
static serialize()

Returns a deep copy of the contact’s attributes.

Resets a contact’s attributes to attrs. All the contact’s current attributes will be lost.

  • attrs (object) – the attributes to reset the contact with.

Validates a contact, throwing a ValidationError() if one of its attributes are invalid.


Provides ‘ORM-like’ access to the sandbox’s contacts resource, handling the raw contact resource api requests and allowing people to interact with their contacts as Contact() instances.

static create(attrs)

Creates and adds a new contact, returning a corresponding Contact() via a promise.

  • attrs (object) – The attributes to initialise the new contact with.{
    surname: 'Jones',
    extra: {location: 'CPT'}
}).then(function(contact) {
    console.log(contact instanceof Contact);
static for_user(opts)

Retrieves a contact for the the current user in the InteractionMachine(), returning a corresponding Contact() via a promise. If no contact exists for the user, a contact is created.

  • opts.create (boolean) – Whether to create a contact for the user if it does not yet exist. Defaults to true.
  • opts.delivery_class (string) – The delivery class corresponding to the current user’s address. If not specified, ContactStore() uses its fallback, ContactStore.delivery_class. {
    console.log(contact instanceof Contact);
static get(addr[, opts])

Retrieves a contact by its address for a particular delivery class, returning a corresponding Contact() via a promise.

  • addr (boolean) – The address of the contact to be retrieved.
  • opts.create (boolean) – Create the contact if it does not yet exist. Defaults to false.
  • delivery_class (string) – The delivery class corresponding to the given address. If not specified, ContactStore() uses its fallback, ContactStore.delivery_class.'+27731234567').then(function(contact) {
    console.log(contact instanceof Contact);
The following delivery classes are supported:
  • sms: maps to the contact’s msisdn attribute
  • ussd: maps to the contact’s msisdn attribute
  • gtalk: maps to the contact’s gtalk_id attribute
  • twitter: maps to the contact’s twitter_handle attribute
static get(key)

Retrieves a contact by its key, returning a corresponding Contact() via a promise.

  • key (string) – The contact’s key.'1234').then(function(contact) {
    console.log(contact instanceof Contact);
static request(name, cmd)

Makes raw requests to the api’s contact resource.

  • name (string) – The name of the contact api method (for eg, 'get')
  • cmd (object) – The request’s command data
static save(contact)

Saves the given contact to the store, returning a promise that is fulfilled once the operation completes.

  • contact (Contact) – The contact to be saved
static search(query)

Searches for contacts matching the given Lucene search query, returning an array of the matching Contact() instances via a promise. Note that this can be a fairly heavy operation. If only the contact keys are needed, please use ContactStore.search_keys() instead.

  • query (string) – The Lucene query to perform'name:"Moog"').then(function(contacts) {
    contacts.forEach(function(contact) {
        console.log(contact instanceof Contact);
static search_keys(query)

Searches for contacts matching the given Lucene search query, returning an array of the contacts’ keys via a promise.

  • query (string) – The Lucene query to perform'name:"Moog"').then(function(keys) {
    keys.forEach(function(key) {
        console.log(typeof key == 'string');
class Group(attrs)

Holds information about a group of contacts.

param string attrs.key:
 a unique identifier for looking up the contact.
param string attrs.user_account:
 the name of the vumi go account that owns this group.
param string
 a human-readable name for the group.
param string attrs.query:
 the contact search query that determines the contacts in this group. Optional.
static serialize()

Returns a deep copy of the group’s attributes.

Resets a groups’s attributes to attrs. All the groups’s current attributes will be lost.

  • attrs (object) – the attributes to reset the group with.

Validates a group, throwing a ValidationError() if one of its attributes are invalid.


Provides ‘ORM-like’ access to the sandbox’s group resource, allowing people to interact with their groups as Group() instances.

static get(name[, opts])
Retrieves a group by its name, returning a corresponding Group() via a promise.
  • name (string) – The name of the group to retrieve.
  • opts.create (boolean) – Create the group if it does not yet exist. Defaults to false.'spammers').then(function(group) {
    console.log(group instanceof Group);
static get_by_key(key)

Retrieves a group by its key, returning a corresponding Group() via a promise.

  • key (string) – The group’s key.'1234').then(function(group) {
    console.log(group instanceof Group);
static list()

Returns a promise fulfilled with a list of the Group()‘s stored under the account associated with the app.

static request(name, cmd)

Makes raw requests to the api’s group resource.

  • name (string) – The name of the group api method (for eg, 'get')
  • cmd (object) – The request’s command data
static save(group)

Saves the given group to the store, returning a promise that is fulfilled once the operation completes.

  • group (Group) – The group to be saved
static search(query)

Searches for groups matching the given Lucene search query, returning an array of the matching Group() instances via a promise.

  • query (string) – The Lucene query to perform'name:"spammers"').then(function(groups) {
    groups.forEach(function(group) {
        console.log(group instanceof Group);
static setup()

Sets up the store.

static sizeOf(group)

Returns a promise fulfilled with the number of contacts that are members of the given group.

  • group (Group) – The group who’s size needs to be determined.